Kz Kids

Raz-Kids delivers hundreds of interactive, leveled eBooks spanning 29 levels

  • 400+ eBooks and open-book eQuizzes, with new books added every month, even in Spanish!
  • Corresponding eQuizzes test comprehension, providing teachers with skill reports for data-driven instruction
  • Online running records let teachers digitally assess each student, saving valuable classroom time
  • The motivational "Raz Rocket" gets students excited about reading and strengthens the school-to-home connection
  • A winner of numerous awards, including CODiE and EDDIE Awards and a Teachers' Choice Award for the Classroom

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400+ eBooks that students can listen to, read, and even record themselves reading

  • Students can listen to books for modeled fluency, read books for practice, and then record themselves reading so teachers can monitor progress
  • Every leveled eBook has an accompanying eQuiz to test reading comprehension
  • Books include Spanish, Song, Nursery Rhymes, Poetry and more
  • Because all books are available 24/7 via the Web, students can practice reading anytime, anywhere

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Raz-Kids makes reading accessible (and fun) like never before

  • Access for Students: With Raz-Kids, students can practice reading anytime, anywhere - at home, on the go, and even during the summer!
  • Keeping Teachers in Control: Teachers can make assignments and track student progress with online assessments and student recordings
  • Results: Viewing reports is simple, for individuals, classrooms, schools and even districts!
  • Common Core: See how Raz-Kids can support your efforts to succeed with Common Core ELA standards

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Students can read on-the-go from their favorite mobile device

Raz-Kids is now on the iPhone, and iPod Touch!

Besides the iPad, Android, and Kindle Fire tablets, students can now access their assignments right from their iPhones or iPod Touches! Read More

  • On top of being accessible 24/7 via the Web, Raz-Kids also delivers reading access through its free apps, meaning your students can read and take quizzes on their iPad, Android, and Kindle Fire tablets.
  • All student activity in the app is captured and reported to teachers at, thus helping teachers monitor student progress and determine the instruction needed for each student.

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"I like how Raz-Kids motivates students to read. Students want to use the program, and it provides parents an alternative to getting students to read at home. I have seen students improve their reading level simply because they are practicing more."

Heidi Springer, Second Grade Teacher
Henry Hudson School #28; Rochester City School District; Rochester, New York

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Kz Kids
